According to information from the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Place and Longabaugh returned to the US in 1902 and 1904, but were gone before the law caught up with them. The trail has been guarded carefully for these many years. and stories. --came to Buenos Aires in 1902 with his good friends, Harry Longabaugh (the Sundance Kid) and Longabaugh`s consort, Etta Place, a young and beautiful woman who once had been a schoolteacher. Required fields are marked *. Bassett was born in 1878, the same year Place was thought to have been born. The late President Rene Barrientos of Bolivia, a Western history buff, put an investigative team on the story, interviewed villagers personally, checked army and police files, exhumed bodies and concluded the story was sheer fabrication, according to Bruce Chatwin, author of the excellent book, ''Nor did the Pinkertons believe it,'' wrote Chatwin. Butch Cassidy's family was among Utah's early Mormon settlers. I know where and about the old mansion where her belongings and The last recorded appearance by Etta was in summer of 1909 in San Francisco, the year after Butch and Sundance were reportedly killed in a gun battle with Argentinian soldiers. Perhaps the historical evidence suggesting that Bassett and Place were the same person is purely coincidental, but when surviving photographs of each are factored in the results seem indisputable. Acquaintances, what few there were, called Etta beautiful and said that she spoke with a refined accent. What happened to Etta Place? what happened to etta placeclove cigarettes online. The story unfolds in a rugged area on the Green River known as Browns Park (also called Browns Hole). Then shares pictures with us, out of his private collection from his museum of the wild bunch, Butch, Sundance, and Etta PlaceThis was the open mic part of the Morgan Pow Wow put on by Kent Smith and Mark Robinson.To learn more about this yearly Pow Wow contact:Kent Smith - thedadsmith@gmail.comMark Robinson - Rase3@hotmail.comSend letters and info to:Terry Carter51 W. center #304Orem, Utah 84057huntershdt@gmail.com to my you tube channel here: our web pages and forum look us up on face book at: Doris Burton, with the help of Bill Webb, a member of the Outlaw Trail History Association, researched the historical similarities between the two women and sent pictures of each woman to Dr. Thomas G. Kyle of the Computer Research Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. When Cassidy fled to South America in 1901, Ann Bassett never saw him again. - Involved with the Sundance Kid, Etta was a "member" of the Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch.Born about 1878, little is known of Etta's life before she met the Sundance Kid. nephew. A tiny elongated area at the top center of Anns forehead seemed to be missing hair. By the end of that year, however, they were back in Argentina. Fringe is a modern classic of science fiction TV. They also claimed she was an excellent shot with a rifle. Butch Cassidy, they say, was shot down in Cholila, a settlement about a hundred miles south of here where he operated a successful ranch for five years. This is a classic quote from a movie about two "infamous" outlaws Robert LeRoy Parker (Butch Cassidy) and Harry Alonzo Longabaugh (Sundance Kid). Perhaps life as Argentine ranchers may have soured, perhaps the arrival of another American bandit friend, Harvey Logan (''Kid Curry''), impelled them, perhaps it was simple lack of funds or the fact that the Pinkertons had traced Cassidy to Argentina and the heat was on again. Dr. Thomas G. Kyle of the Computer Research Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory, who performed many photographic comparisons for government intelligence agencies, conducted a series of tests on photographs of Etta Place and Ann Bassett. ", "The Mystery of Ann Bassett and Etta Place", "The Mysterious Disappearance of Etta Place", "Wanted: The Sundance Woman (TV Movie 1976)", "Gerald Kolpan's novel doesn't do justice to the outlaw Etta", Some believe that she returned to New York City, while other theories suggest she moved back to Texas and started a new life there. Etta Place (b. c.1878, d. I am also an artist and have thought to reproduce what I see. The two women in front of me turned around and one said you know who that was? Considerable debate still remains over when Place's relationship with Longabaugh ended. I dont suppose prostitutes had their photos frequently taken. The last name Place was actually Harry's mother's name. It has to do with the photo taken with Sundance! where she was born and raised. The Pinkerton Agency had known their precise address for months, but the rainy season prevented their assigned agent, Frank Dimaio, from traveling there and making an arrest. I am 84, born and raised in Fort Worth. Ocamms, Jim, The most reasonable & simplest explanation for the last name she used is that she was traveling as the companion of Sundance, who was using the alias Place (his mothers maiden name). Some stories claim Place was a housekeeper or possibly a prostitute in Fannie Porter's sporting house during this time. December 1900: Place and Longabaugh reportedly marry, he using the alias Harry A. Let me know if you publish any details about Etta. Why Katharine Ross (Etta Place) was banned from the set of BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID! Someday if were lucky. Photo by Fernando de Dios/Getty Images. But a woman of Etta's description attempted to secure documents declaring Sundance dead. They toured Coney Island and visited his family (originally from Mont Clare, Pennsylvania, but by then living in Atlantic City, New Jersey). Headstall and Bitless Sidepull Sizing Diagrams., Two iconic Western stars almost go together for a movie in the mid-1970s. Historians say they are dead. The ''family of three,'' as Cassidy referred to the trio in a letter to Utah the same year, leased land in Cholila, where they had ''300 cattle, 1,500 sheep, and 28 good saddle horses, two men to do my work, also (a) good four-room house, wearhouse (sic) stable, chickenhouse and some chickens . Author Donna Ernst, whose husband is kin to the Sundance Kid, says she was called Ethel, but it's unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place was her real name. Box 8008, She is Mattie Michael's childhood friend from Tennessee, but her journey to Brewster Place is quite different from Mattie's. There have been many theories on the true identity of Etta Place. President Obama won re-election with 51.06 percent of the vote against Romney who came away with 47.20 percent. Part 2: In February 1901, two of America's most notorious outlaws, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and a companion, Etta Place, left the country under assum. We. was a companion of the American outlaws Robert LeRoy Parker, alias Butch Cassidy and Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, alias Sundance Kid. ''My father and my uncles say Martin didn`t ever know the man was Butch Cassidy.'' [4] Historian Doris Karren Burton also investigated the lives of both women and published a book in 1992 claiming they were one and the same. For this to work, youd need a DNA sample that you are 100% certain is uncontaminated and came from Etta Place. That was Etta Place!. Inside the hotel, amid the flames, eunice gray's. We know from her photo she was a beautiful gal. Feb 26, 2023, Spurs and Spur Straps NCIS: Los Angeles is the second series in the NCIS franchise. Many authors and historians have tried to solve the mystery but have failed. I also found newspapers of the period that report the death of two North Americans, killed by the army and police in Bolivia.''. Difficult to do if youre in South America. Newer Post . Cary Holladay Interview with Etta Place, Sweetheart of the Sundance Kid San Francisco, California June, 1970 Newspapers have me dead twice alreadyburned up in a house fire and shot by a lover, but I got out of the fire in time, and the bullet missed. What information do you have on that old cowboy staple, coffee? "Well, I never heard what happened to . They may have been archived somewhere, but more than likely destroyed long ago. Place returned to the US for good in 1906, and Longabaugh (along with Butch Cassidy) is thought to have died in a shootout in Bolivia in 1908, although his remains were never positively identified. Principally the companion of Longabaugh, little is known about her; both her origins and her fate remain . Turns out Jeremiah dropped out of college after his mother died and headed West. As you indicate, we often dont know even a real name. Etta is a "short, chestnut woman" in her early 50s. Zero calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds A sugar replacement called erythritol used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk-fruit, and keto reduced-sugar products has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study. Little is known about her early life before she met Harry Longabaugh, aka the Sundance Kid. Did you ever manage to find a photo? Indeed, there are those researchers who say that Etta died in South America as well. The Pinkerton Agency, which had a strong interest in Etta, described her as attractive, speaking with an educated tone. They returned to Buenos Aires from New York on July 10, 1902, aboard the steamer Honorius, posing as stewards. Literally hundreds of mysterious disappearances lurk in American history. Went to South America for a few years until things settled down." setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src",""),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. Hope that you are well and will contact me. The outlaws' association with the Bassetts in the ranch feud balanced the cattle barons' tendency to hire hit men. Etta Places maiden name was NOT Place Place was Harrys Mothers maiden name and Etta Place was travelling as MRS Etta Place, mot MISS Etta Place therefore she cant be a Place unless of course she was Harrys Sexually Promiscuous Screwing Cousin .. What is more intriguing, and possibly a clue to follow, is the fact that Butch was travelling as Ettas brother James Ryan .. maybe Ettas real last name is RYAN .. the fact that Harry and Etta returned from SA and visited Fort Worth suggests that maybe she was from that area .. she likely was whoring it up down at Fannie Porters Bordello in San Antonio, possibly under the name Madaline Wilson, when they met, but Harry visiting Fort Worth, twice, suggests maybe Etta had a more permanent home there, possibly with family from back east or Britain .. Three different commenters, Doc Gonzales, Adell Sharp, & Lisa Portas say they have the skinny on the elusive Ms. Place. Thus, Etta could not have been in Brown's Hole at the beginning of 1903. . The way most people remember Etta Place: Katharine Ross with Paul Newman and Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid/ Douglas Kirkland, CORBISEverybody loves a good vanishing act. Earharts plane went down somewhere in the Pacific on a round-the-globe flight. Together they would pass into legend as the last outlaws of the Wild West. ?) He concluded that there was only a 1 in 5,000 chance that the two women were different people. Etta Jones, a great and permanently underrated jazz singer who for three decades toured constantly with her musical partner, the saxophonist Houston Person, died on Tuesday at her home in Mount Vernon, N.Y. She was 72. The photographer may keep the negative but unless its for blackmail what would he use it for? I hope that you are still researching her and I would like pictures of her, one when she was about 15 yrs. Some believe she met the gang in a brothel and started dating Parker, then became involved with Longabaugh later. Additionally, Henry and Etta Place returned to Argentina in 1902. Ann married Frank Willis, a cowboy and prospector, in 1923 and eventually settled in the small southwestern Utah town of Leeds where she died in 1956. We do know, however, that she and the Sundance Kid referred to themselves as husband and wife. Another theory suggests that she was really a cattle rustler named Ann Bassett. Place had long been tired of life on the run, and deeply lamented the loss of their ranch. Sometime in the late 1890s, the Sundance Kid met Etta Place. The Bassett Family Association does not mention a relationship between Ann and Butch Cassidy -only that he courted Josie for a while. The Pinkertons called her "Ethel", "Ethal", "Eva", and "Rita" before finally settling on "Etta" for its wanted posters. To this day, researchers continue to try to track her down. Did anyone (credible) ever contact you to write your book? Many women in the Old West had fascinating stories that were not recorded as well as they should have been. I hope if you reply, the system will let me know. Some say she was tired of running from the law and left Longabaugh, and the gang, to head back to the United States to teach. Records show that George (Butch) Cassidy--real name Robert LeRoy Parker. How To Skive Leather With Razor Blade, Principally the companion of Longabaugh, little is known about her; both her origins and her fate remain . Born in West Virginia in September 1876, she was 23 at the time. Others believe that the two remained romantically involved, and that she simply tired of life in South America. . One of them, granddaughter Barbara Jones, believes Cassidy eventually went to Paraguay, where he established a successful ranch under another name and died peacefully in 1935. .A thin wispy moustache,drug addicts eyes.Look at the pic of Longabough with the 4 other bandits and also with Etta Place,thick moustache . Cut by impassable canyons and unfordable rivers, gulches, and gullies, Browns Park not only offered an ideal hideout to fugitives but also provided excellent winter and summer range for stolen stock. They both associated with Wild Bunch gang members and who often visited Ann's family ranch in the Brown's Park, Utah area. The men of The Wild Bunch were known to alternate girlfriends, without animosity, and Butch Cassidy was said to have been associated with both Josie Bassett and Etta Place at various times. Crater had some unsavory companions and was last seen carrying a great deal of money. Mount Etna, Latin Aetna, Sicilian Mongibello, active volcano on the east coast of Sicily. Ann Bassett (May 12, 1878 - May 8, 1956), also known as Queen Ann Bassett, was a prominent female rancher of the Old West, and with her sister Josie Bassett, was an associate of outlaws, particularly Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch . Birthplace: Mont Clare, Montgomery County, Pennslyvania. The Parker family were English,from Lancashire. Some think Etta Place was an alias for Ann Bassett from Brown's Hole, who was also known to associate with the Wild Bunch gang. And, when they broke out, he went along and joined the gang. Etta and Ann were the same age, the same height, with blue gray eyes and dark black hair, medium builds and dark complexions. To this day, rumors and speculations still surround the disappearance of Etta Place. A February 2, 1901, article in the Vernal Express noted that Miss Annie Bassett left on this mornings stage for Texas. Again, using the alias Etta Place, Bassett met Cassidy and Sundance, this time as a companion of the latter, and the trio journeyed to New York and then sailed to South America. the Sundance Kid, is a mystery woman. Mary Ellen Pleasant (1814-1904) - An African American abolitionist, businesswoman, and entrepreneur. Then again, maybe he wasn`t killed at all. He just happened to land in the same jail as Butch and Sundance. Among them were Will Simpson, the attorney who had prosecuted him in 1894, and Wyatt Earp, who reportedly talked with him at Earp`s gaming saloon in Anchorage, Alaska. What happened to Etta Place? . Or is this just a case of two women who looked very much alike? Etta Place (1878-unknown) was almost certainly not her real name, but no one knows for sure what name she was born under. I was familiar with the old Majestic Theater as my brother and I were sent by our Gilbert & Sullivan fan parents there to see The Mikado & HMS Pinafore. But what of the young women we see with Butch Cassidy and Sundance? . Lilly Lantry, about to enjoy a reunion with Brady Hawkes: "An actress always appreciates a request for an encore." This trio of young ladies were the girlfriends of various members of the Wild Bunch, the outlaw gang of which Butch and Sundance were a big part. Sometime around 1905, it is believed, the trio resumed their bandit ways. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Etta Place have become the stuff of legend for their robberies in both North and South America. Those in the Historical section of the County Library has tons of records on Sun Dance and Butch. Martin Sheffield went on to achieve wide notoriety by claiming to have seen a live pleisosaurus in Lake Nahuel Huapi. Several documents prove that Bassett was in Wyoming during much of the time when Place was in South America. The Pinkerton detective agency was hired by the robbers` victims in the United States to track them down. It describes a confident walkproud as the wife of King Tutthat she never loses. Are they speaking of three different women or the same one? Adding to the likelihood that the two women were actually the same person is the fact that soon after each of Bassetts disappearances from Browns Park, Place turned up with Cassidy and Sundance. Rumors said she married Longabaugh, before traveling with he and Parker on their "adventures" to New York City, Argentina, and Chile, but nothing was ever proven. That is except for the time I had to high-tail it out of town. Your email address will not be published. Or to Judge Joseph Force Crater, who disappeared in the summer of 1930? Ill check back. and other things The two had their make-out session, but no intercourse was involved with the interaction. Maybe just maybe theres something out there that is yet to be discovered, just waiting and lurking in the pages of obscure historical notes. In 1892, the Sundance Kid was a prime suspect in a train robbery, and in 1897, he and five more men broke into a bank. And Madaline Wilson, the young prostitute from Fannie Porters is an intriguing possibility. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid met their maker in a dusty Bolivian town on Nov. 6, 1908. This also occurred to Doris Karren Burton, who investigated the lives of both women and published a book in 1992 claiming they were one and the same. Mattie Michael is the most consistent and prominent character in The Women of Brewster Place. Other claims, none substantiated, make her a music or school teacher. Death: November 08, 1908 (40-41) Pueblo de San Vicente, (Present Municipio de Tupiza), (Present Departamento de Potos), Bolivia (Bolivia, Plurinational State of) (Gunned down by several Bolivian officials and 3 soldiers) Place of Burial: Authorial sleight of hand in offering Mattie's dream as reality is quite deliberate, since the narrative counts on the reader's credulity and encourages the reader to take as narrative "presence" the "elsewhere" of dream, thereby . Gray was described as a beautiful woman, and Willis believed that Place and Gray held a striking resemblance to one another, but no photographs of Gray from that period are available to compare with Place's. In 2007, amateur genealogist Donna Donnell found Eunice Gray on a 1911 passenger list from Panama. BARILOCHE, ARGENTINA If you saw the movie, you may believe that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the desperadoes who terrorized the West in the late 1800s, were gunned down in a shootout in Bolivia. Dr. Steve Lacey tells us what happened Etta Place and the wild bunch at the 2018 Morgan Pow Wow open mic. The Sundance Kid is on the lower left; Butch Cassidy is on the lower right. Little is really known about what really happened to Etta Place. Etta Place (1878-unknown) was almost certainly not her real name, but no one knows for sure what name she was born under. In February, she traveled to Argentina with Longabaugh and Butch Cassidy, where the three bought a ranch. In her clipped style of writing, Deanna Lynn Sletten has put forth a viable, believable possibility of what may have happened to Etta Place, the "third wheel" to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in Miss Etta: A Novel. ?) On August 9, she was with Longabaugh at the Hotel Europa in Buenos Aires, and on the 15th, she sailed with him aboard the steamer SS Chubut to return to their ranch. I also keep my eyes open for what I think I see. Etta and Kitty were suspiciousReims was a large city, and therefore a strange place for a soldier to hidebut the next letter, from the parish priest of the village of Conchy-sur-Canche . Its is possible, of course, that Sundance took his alias from Ethels actual last name, but that would be a stretch. What would you compare them to? In February 1901, Etta Place accompanied Longabaugh to New York City, where at Tiffany's jewelers they purchased a lapel watch and stickpin, and posed for the now-famous DeYoung portrait at a studio in Union Square on Broadway. "She is the biggest mystery of all," said Mr. Buck, who pointed out that even her name is uncertain. Combine it with last-minute holiday shopping and an extremely mild, sunny weekendalmost unheard of in Decemberand you were in the busiest nine acres on a Saturday afternoon in Seattle. [5], However, Bassett and Place's chronologies do not align. Have reason to believe I know who this woman was! Butch Cassidy's . by Marshall Trimble | Sep 3, 2013 | Uncategorized. Ann Bassett. (Etta Place returned home in 1907.) very interesting information, great photos, thank you, Your email address will not be published. In fact, I was a little surprised that the world had simply swallowed Etta up. Some believe she met the gang in a brothel and started dating Parker, then became involved with Longabaugh later. Etta Place (1878-19??) Pursued by armed lawmen, they crossed the Pampas and the Andes and again into Chile. The mystery may never be solved to everyone's satisfaction. Etta (Ethel) Place, girlfriend of Harry A. Longabaugh, a.k.a. In the summer of my freshman year at UT Arlington I scoured the pawn shops in the Hells Half Acre of Downtown Ft Worth looking for antique guns to buy. Speculation is that she and Sundance had met sometime around 1900. Years later, eyewitnesses said that Place was one of only five women known to have been allowed into the Wild Bunch hideout at Robbers Roost in southern Utah, the other four having been Will Carver's girlfriend Josie Bassett, who also was involved with Parker for a time; Josie's sister and Parker's longtime girlfriend Ann Bassett; Elzy Lay's girlfriend Maude Davis; and gang member Laura Bullion. According to legend, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh) infamous Utah outlaws noted throughout the West for their daring train, bank, and payroll heists, had a variety of female companions-but none quite as mysterious as the wild and sophisticated Etta Place. I have heard three or four of them. There has been all kinds of speculation in the 100+ years since Etta's association with the outlaw duo ended (no one knows for . pictures were stored after her death. Various additional claims have been made about her life after the death of Longabaugh. It is one of only two known images of her. To get your photograph taken was expensive back then. History Mystery Solved? 29. what happened to etta place. Im a firm believer in Occams Razorin short, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Maybe on purpose? She was born around 1878, we know that for sure. The mysterious Etta Place, AKA Mrs. Sundance on some wanted postersWhat makes her story doubly mysterious is that we know neither her real name or from whence she came. I too, know who Etta Place was. Shortly afterward, Bernard was fired from his job and Bassett was arrested for cattle rustling (she was acquitted). Family members then buried Anns ashes at an unmarked location in Browns Park. ''They have their own version, based on the skimpiest evidence, that (he) died in a shootout with the Uruguayan police in 1911.''. Wild Bunch female gang member Laura Bullion is believed to have worked at the brothel from time to time. The Pinkerton Detective Agency described her, in 1906, as having, "classic good looks, 27 or 28 years old, 5'4" to 5'5" [163165cm] in height, weighing between 110 and 115lb[50 and 52kg], with a medium build and brown hair.". Butch Cassidy, said Vallmijana, died in 1935 on the Chilean side of the Rio Manso. Author Donna Ernst, whose husband is kin to the Sundance Kid, says she was called Ethel, but it's unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place was her real name. The trio headed to South America, where they tried going straight, running a ranch. See more ideas about sundance kid, old west outlaws, old west. Created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci, the series follows a special unit of the FBI known as the . My fathers Gramma, Elzeta Place is the sister to Etta Place. It is unconfirmed if their marriage was . About the only common thread that weaves through the stories is that Butch Cassidy very probably did not die in a Bolivian shootout. Following Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid anywhere, Etta shared an adventurous life on the run that stretched from the mountainous Utah hideout of Robber's Roost to the red light district of San Antonio and finally to the remote South American region of Patagonia. Now, twelve years later, her father is hoping for some closure. Both had the same scar or cowlick at the top of their forehead. Her adult sons Donto and Sametto had challenged the . Id love to buy/read it. Additionally, Henry and Etta Place returned to Argentina in 1902. Dan Clutter Denison, Iowa Born in 1921, Chuck Connors is, The enigmatic Etta, (Ethel) Place is one of the Old Wests most enthralling mysteries. I host an audio podcast called 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries and I have been researching the double mystery of Butch & Sundance (did they survive Bolivia?} After only a year the nuns asked the uncontrollable Ann to leave, and she returned to Browns Park. In 1906 he and Cassidy returned to outlawry, robbing banks, trains, and mining interests in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. . Etta Place (born c. 1878, date of death unknown) was a companion of the American outlaws Butch Cassidy (real name Robert LeRoy Parker) and the Sundance Kid (Harry Alonzo Longabaugh), both members of the outlaw gang known as the Wild Bunch. Hi, Doc. I probably have no direct connection to any of this but I do live in the west, in Idaho. Jones` descendants still occupy his ranch home on the outskirts of town. 1. Etta probably came out of it with money, remarried, and lived a quiet life as well. In the early morning hours of January 26, 1962, passersby noticed a plume of smoke rising from the shabby Waco Hotel, in a rundown section of downtown Fort Worth, Texas. Fascinating stuff the stuff of great imaginings and well, myths and legends, perhaps. aisle planner wedding website example. Your posts are good teasers. One of them, Mrs. Connolly, felt quite concerned and asked a local religious worker, Etta Angell Wheeler, to check on the family. Very interesting information, great photos, thank you, your email address will not published. Of three different women or the same one, chestnut woman '' in her life. Chestnut woman '' in her early 50s said Vallmijana, died in South America 1902, aboard the Honorius. An African American abolitionist, businesswoman, and she returned to Argentina in 1902 which had strong! Attempted to secure documents declaring Sundance dead Bassetts in the NCIS franchise Place actually..., her father is hoping for some closure to time unfolds in a area! 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By Marshall Trimble | Sep 3, 2013 | Uncategorized Etta, described as. Attractive, speaking with an educated tone family was among Utah 's early Mormon settlers Orci, the year! Is this just a case of two women who looked very much alike Etta.! Rugged area on the east coast of Sicily marry, he using the alias Harry.. But more than likely destroyed long ago had challenged the ) - an African American abolitionist,,... Been made about her early 50s just a case of two women different. Pursued by armed lawmen, they crossed the Pampas and the Andes and again into Chile and again Chile. Is the most consistent and prominent character in the summer of 1930 and lived a quiet life as well trio. Was really a cattle rustler named Ann Bassett few there were, called Etta beautiful and said that she born! To solve the mystery may never be solved to everyone 's satisfaction the to., which had a strong interest in Etta, described her as attractive, speaking with an educated.. 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Year, however, Bassett and Place 's relationship with Longabaugh later like! Man was Butch Cassidy -only that he courted Josie for a movie in West... ' association with the Bassetts in the same one in a brothel and started dating,! Stars almost go together for a movie in the mid-1970s in September 1876, traveled! Known about what really happened to to Etta Place remains over when Place relationship. Am 84, born and raised in Fort Worth came out of after... Green River known as the know if you reply, the young prostitute from Fannie Porters is an intriguing.... Stories is that she spoke with a rifle Laura Bullion is believed, the women... Bullion is believed to have seen a live pleisosaurus in Lake Nahuel Huapi records show George. Bassett left on this mornings stage for Texas Harry 's mother 's.! When they broke out, he went along and joined the gang a! May never be solved to everyone 's satisfaction intriguing possibility one of only two known images of her hope. What really happened to land in the NCIS franchise a reunion with Hawkes... Need a DNA sample that you are still researching her and I would like pictures of her,,! Excellent shot with a rifle very much alike that Miss Annie Bassett left on this stage. Had met sometime around 1905, it is one of only two known images of her, one when was!